The Cork X Southwest music festival was on in Skibbereen last weekend and it was excellent. What could be better than great music, yummy food and good weather? This was the second year of this festival and after the great day I had at it, I’ll definitely be looking out for it again next year. We got to the showgrounds shortly before six o’clock and caught the end of Jape on the main stage. Then we nipped over the De Barra’s Sitting Room session area and saw Juno Falls. The hunger sort of set in then so it was time to get a gourmet hot dog and caught a bit of the dance company doing some tricks. This was followed up by Helios Jive from America and they gave a lively performance which included a tanned topless guy in the background painting on a large canvas! Then we went back to the Sitting Room session and caught Armoured Bear and Luka Bloom. They both gave good performances and we also got to see Gavin Moore perform with Luka Bloom. Although there was some family squabbling about whose song they were going to play, I think they comprised and ended up playing one of each. We spent most of the rest of the night back at the main stage listening to Cathy Davey and the Walls except for one small visit to the Sitting Room sessions to catch the end of Rosey. There were lots of food stalls offering delicious organic and non-organic treats from local producers. I was also impressed by the Rula Bula Tent which had lots of good DJs playing music all evening. It was a good place to pop into in between other music acts.